Changes to reporting on

On the 5th of August we’re making some key changes to the way we report data on your listings. We’re doing this to ensure that we continue to give your vendors and buyers/renters or investors a true reflection of the total number of views the listing has had, right across all our platforms. 

So what does this all mean for you? Here are the answers to some common questions we often get asked.

What’s changed?

We previously reported three numbers on the listing detail page and the agent report – listing views, search views and total reach. Now we will just report one. The way we count these hasn’t changed, we’re simply making it easier for users to understand how many times your listing has been viewed.

Changing reporting views

Here’s how we count these numbers:

1. Listing views

The listing view number is the number of times a listing has been viewed. 

The listing view number isn’t when a user scrolls through the image gallery on a listing. We don’t count image gallery scrolls as separate views, so if an individual user looks at 27 pictures within a listing, this still counts as one Listing view, not 27 Listing views. 

2. Search views

The search view number represents the number of times a property has appeared on a user’s screen. This includes when a property appears in a search, when a property appears on the homepage, when a property appears in a showcase carousel or when a property appears in the ‘Similar properties nearby’ section. 

The search view number isn’t counted until a property appears on a user’s screen for at least one second. For example, if a property appears at the bottom of page one during a search, this property will not be counted until the user scrolls down and that listing appears on their screen for at least one second.

3. Total reach 

The total reach number on a listing is found by combining the number of Listing views and Search views. In other words, the total number of times a listing has been viewed. 

We’ve now simplified the metrics reporting on listing pages to show you only the total reach – the total number of times your listing has been viewed. 

Will you still break it down for my vendor and I?

Yes. In your agent report you will have total reach, listing views, search views and which countries have viewed the property. 35% of our website traffic comes from overseas countries, so you’ll get insight into where your audience is located.

This shift will give real estate agents more transparency, allowing you to more accurately understand the total reach of a listing and validate why you need to be on

There have been some issues with reporting in the past, will this new report fix those past issues?

We have moved our reporting off an old system and onto Google Analytics 360, to ensure accuracy of all reporting going forward.

How often do the numbers get updated?  

The number on the listing detail page is updated in real-time. The number on agent report is updated overnight, and will display by 10am the next day.

Have another question that we haven’t covered off? Pop the team an email at and we’ll be in touch to help out. 

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