Building an agent profile that will support your business

As a salesperson, you understand that investing in marketing brings your listing greater exposure, more potential buyers and gets your vendor the top price for their property, achieving you house price maximisation. At the same time, your marketing also helps you promote your listings and personal brand, showing potential vendors you’re the expert in your farm area. 

In a competitive market, salespeople with strong personal brands have an advantage over the rest – so how do you cultivate the perfect personal brand that will support your business? Let's take a look at look at some ways to build your brand as an agent, both on and other marketing platforms.  

Get back to basics

Before you charge headfirst into flyer drops and digital business cards, it’s good to take a step back and ensure you’ve got the basics right. Make sure you’ve ticked off the below before you get started with marketing yourself.

  • Have you got a recent photo? It may sound simple, but potential buyers want to know who’s turning up at their door. Having a professional and recent photo that’s consistent across all your marketing material will help buyers feel confident in who they’re talking to.
  • What’s your online presence like? Do you have social media channels, a website and an agent profile on property platforms – and when was the last time you updated them? In a digital age, many people like to research who’ll be selling their home and will know about you before they even talk to you. Make sure that all your online platforms are up to date and represent you in the best possible light. 

Find out more about creating the perfect online agent profile here.

Create a strong marketing strategy

Now you’ve got the basics right, think about how you’re going to get your personal brand out there and reach people looking to sell their home. Take some time to craft a marketing strategy that will ensure people know who you are, see you as a trusted property expert in their area, and ultimately as the agent they want to sell their property. Think about all the different channels you’ve got at your disposal and how you can use them to reach different people. 

Our Head of Sales & Marketing Vanessa Taylor shares her advice on marketing and advertising here – have a read to see how you can apply this to your own marketing. 

Get your brand out there

With a strong agent profile and a marketing plan under your belt, it’s time to ensure that you’re getting your personal brand out there – remember this listing is getting you your next one. There are plenty of ways can help you build your personal brand – take a look below.

  • Upgrade all your listings. Every listing you have is a way to build your brand. By upgrading all your listings on-site, you’ll be reaching the largest pool of potential buyers, while simultaneously presenting yourself as the go-to agent in your area. The more listings you have, the most you’ll seem like the expert and when people are ready to sell, they’ll think of you.
  • Use our marketing packages. Our marketing campaigns are designed to give you maximum reach on your listing, all at a cost-effective bundled price. With our new packages, you’ll also get more agent branding than ever before, with your agent profile picture going on the Showcase carousel across both our website and app.
  • Purchase a digital business card. Target serious property seekers searching on our website with a digital business card. Your tile will show your agent profile photo and agency logo on the right-hand side of the search results in your chosen suburb. This is a great way to target buyers in your farm area or extend your reach into neighbouring suburbs. You may also get the added bonus of having your tile sent out in our saved search emails – we send on average over 900,000* direct to customers inboxes every month.

Now you’ve got all the tools to succeed, you’re ready to start building your personal brand. Contact our Sales Support team on to help you maximise your reach on today. 

*Data from internal metrics – 01/01/2019 – 31/12/2019.

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