7 ways to celebrate your first home purchase

Buying your first home in New Zealand is an incredible achievement.

House hunting can feel like a long journey, but there's always a light at the end of the tunnel. There's nothing quite like the feeling of getting your hands on the keys for the first time. Such an accomplishment deserves recognition from you and your loved ones - so you have every reason to celebrate.

To help you plan your first home celebration, we asked our Facebook community what they did to mark their momentous day.

1. Welcome a new furry family member

One realestate.co.nz user, Bec, celebrated her extra space and freedom by growing her family just a tiny bit larger. With a home to herself and no rental restrictions, her little white Frenchie, Chilli, is free to run around the yard and bring a bit of joy to every day.


New home, new puppy?

2. Have a home cooked family meal

Meanwhile, Mary and her whanau opted to welcome the new home into their lives by enjoying a home-cooked family feast. There's little more comforting than a hearty roast to give you a quiet pat on the back for all your hard work.

For some, family is a little further away. Richa's first home purchase was a very proud moment - so she wanted to celebrate with her family, including those overseas. They booked in a time (her lunch time, their dinner time),coordinated menus and booted up Skype, so both branches of the family could enjoy the special meal together despite the distance.

3. Order in

"We splashed out and bought Hells Pizza and ate it in our new backyard (we didn't have keys yet)," says Kylee. "It felt so surreal that we had got this far, we just needed a moment to sit and absorb our major accomplishment."

Even the smallest celebrations can be meaningful, as first home buyers like Kylee have found. Likewise, Jacinta and Rosemary both went for a Kiwi classic and ordered fish and chips with a couple of drinks.

4. Throw a demolition party

After all that hard work, sometimes it can feel good just to get your hands dirty and start demolishing. Kirsten and Cindy both celebrated their accomplishments by getting their friends and family over to make a quick start on their fixer-upper homes. Ripping up the carpet after years of renting can be extremely satisfying.

Another user, Dorothy, helped her daughter feel rewarded by arranging for her sisters and father to do the bulk of the do-up in secret over three days. They stripped the wallpaper and lay down new flooring so their loved one and her children could settle into a healthy home.


Neighbours, family and friends are the best company for celebrating your new home.

5. Host a neighbourhood barbecue

Raymond introduced himself to his new suburb with a late afternoon barbecue for his neighbours and their families. This is a fantastic way to say "hello" and make some connections in a new community.

In a similar vein, Debbie had her family and friends around for a themed party in their new yard - everyone dressed up like the Wests from Outrageous Fortune! Having people around, whether your loved ones or new friends, is a great way to share the excitement of your achievement. You might also like to open your home for friends to drop by and have a nosy throughout the day. 

6. Tour the area

You've just moved into a new area - why not celebrate by getting to know the place? Kim toured the local estuary and playgrounds with her kids and family friends. Not only can this be a lot of fun - it's an opportunity to familiarise yourself with the area, find new spots for coffee or lunch, and learn about the local amenities.

7. Have a bit of bubbly

Is any victory truly complete without a bit of bubbly? Steve and his partner kept it small with a good bottle of champagne and some care-free dancing around the unfurnished lounge.

Celebrations make all the challenges worthwhile. To help you celebrate your first home, read all our Facebook community's ideas here.

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